
Oysters - Me'Shell Ndegéocello


       Oysters,百度到的翻译有:牡蛎,沉默寡言的人,关于这首歌曲、这个歌手的信息在网络上都少之又少,所以也无从判断这首歌究竟表达了什么。整首歌只有单纯的钢琴声在游移,Me'Shell Ndegéocello就沉默地坐在钢琴前,满脸虔诚,三分悲戚,浅浅起伏的声音轻巧地和每一个音符重合,凸显出一种温柔的深刻。Me'Shell Ndegéocello,一个被埋没的好声音。



Somebody wishing on a shooting star
Shooting star is dreaming close the sky
I know is just a meteorite.
People throwing pennies on a wishing well
Wishing well is gonna run dry
But I’m gonna leave you tonight. 
Everybody talking about changing the world,
World ain’t never gonna change
But you could always change it for me!
I'll shuck all the oysters and you can keep the pearl
I do my shucking and my jiving for free
Free... Like walking down the beach at night
Throw a bunch of lines out to the way you want
Till you get it right
Sometimes you don’t get it right!
Sometimes you won’t get it right!
But when you do, it's outta sight
Sometimes you do, get it right

